Thursday, March 31, 2016

When A Bird Chirps

At 5:30 this morning I heard it.  A sweet bird chirping a "Good Morning."  I thought about how thankful I was to hear something so beautiful.

I listened to my husband breathing while he slept soundly.  I smiled as I thought about how I am not going to have to miss that sound this weekend because, thanks to his new job, he will be home and not at a race.

I thought about last night as I witnessed hundreds of people all "in one accord" praising our Savior.  People praying for each other.  People crying tears of gratefulness.  People singing His praises.

I thought about my children (all of whom were sleeping soundly... Praise Jesus! ). Sweet Addi who expressed concern just last night about world hunger and wants to grow up and "give food to all the people.". Brave Brogan who has valiantly faced his fears in social situations and walked into his class at church last night with just a hug from me...not crying any tears even though his regular teacher wasn't there.  Joyful Gideon who we refer to as our " old soul."  He just seems to know who needs extra snuggles/attention from him and gravitates towards them.

I thought about this past year and tears filled my eyes.  The journey God allowed me to go through since Gideon was born, drew me closer to Him.  Difficult?  Yes.  Worth it?  Absolutely.

I thought about how the little moments really are the big moments.  How the "I love you's" from my babies abound much more than the frustrations that come from raising littles.  How my husband adores me (even though I seem to have a serious phobia of laundry these days) and proves it over and over again on a daily basis.  How God has placed the perfect family and friends in my life to do life with.  How we are in the perfect church for us...not a perfect church, but a God-fearing one.

I thought about His grace.  His protection.  His mercy.  How he can use a simple bird to woo me into glorifying Him.  How the song says, "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me."

At 5:30 this morning I heard it.  His sweet voice speaking softly to me.

How is He choosing to speak to you today? Listen closely and be amazed.

Edit:  And because He's a good God...a few hours after writing this, we discovered a bird sitting on a nest in one of our trees.  When she flew away, we snuck a picture.  New life is on its way...for the mama bird.  And, for me.  Just not by receiving a baby.  God kept me this year and protected me so His perfect plan could be hatched/birthed into my life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Be Still

The news today is horrifying.  Everything I read is just sad.  It breaks my heart.  It's scary, too.  I have to wonder what this world will be like in just a few months.  What will this nation be like?

I am also currently dealing with a child who is angry and sad about a punishment.  I am sad, too.  The punishment - though necessary - is not fun for either of us.  Our hope is that this will help in this child's growth.  I guess time will tell.  Right now though, the idea of parenting our children to adulthood is a bit daunting.

With all this sadness, all this angst, all this terror, what's a girl to do?  Well, God says,

“Be still, and know that I am God"  Psalm 46:10

The suggestion is simple. The follow-through, not so much.

It's just in my nature to want to fix things...and control things.  It's taken me more years than I care to admit to acknowledge that I have control issues.  MAJOR control issues at time.  So when the world is spinning into chaos, when terrorism prevails, when our nation is demising, when children are angry, how can I just BE STILL?

The answer lies in the verses before:

Psalm 46

1God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.c
4There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8Come and see what the Lord has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shieldsd with fire.

It is after these descriptions (that He is our refuge, or strength, our ever-present help, and always with us) that God then tells us to, "Be STILL and KNOW that I am God."

A quick google search of the definition of "still" made me find be still can mean "rooted to the spot."  I love that.  A synonym for "know" is to "be conscious."

So if I look at that verse again with those definitions in mind, it may look something like this:

Be still - rooted in Me and My promises - and know that I am God - be conscious and aware of My goodness.

So, today I will rest IN Him.  I will trust IN Him.  I will remember that the God who calms the storm is the same God that dwells in me.  I will remember that He alone is my strength.  I will be thankful.  I won't just be thankful, I will make a conscious effort to thank Him.

Please know I am not saying that God wants me, or any of us, to just focus solely on resting and not help others.  Stillness can reside in our souls even when we are on the trenches.  But, today, I will not try to fix things without first quieting my thoughts and turning to Him.  I will ask Him how He wants me to proceed in all situations.

I will shut my mouth and listen to Him.  I will turn off the news and turn up the praise.  I will be STILL.  And, I will take a nap.

Ok, with three littles (two of whom never nap and a baby who barely naps for more than a few minutes at a time) that last sentence is just wishful thinking.  ;)  And, the perfect opportunity to include this photo of my little guy - because some days, you just can't even make it through breakfast before needing to just be still. :)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Show the Love of Jesus

Yesterday morning on our very short ride to school, sweet Addi said, "Mommy, you don't have to worry about me pinching anyone who isn't wearing green today.  I know that will not show the love of Jesus."

Oh, how my girl's words ring with such truth.

This country is in such a tumultuous state.  It sickens me to watch the news.  The hate that is being spewed by others is just disgusting.  The saddest part is that it is coming from all sides.  No one group is safe from the hate and no one group is completely innocent in spreading hate.

Why can't people understand what my six-year-old understands?  Why is it so difficult to grasp that we are not showing the love of Jesus when we intentionally hurt others?

There are people who could so benefit from the church, but they refuse to step foot into one because they feel that Christians are hypocrites.  And a lot of Christians are. Admittedly, I've been there.  Judging one sin as worse than another.  "Well, I had a bad thought about this person, but it's OK because they belong to this group of people who believe it's OK to..."  That thought...that judgmental action just made me break a commandment that I KNOW is wrong.  Is that any better than the person who is breaking a commandment but isn't a Christian?  I would venture to say that if there was a scale for which sin is worse, mine might tip it.

I keep mulling over a conversation I recently had with someone who is terrified at the thought of Christian friends finding out a secret.  The situation is sad, but the fear she has completely breaks my heart. Shouldn't we be the ones that this person runs to?  Shouldn't we embrace this person and love them and promise to join with them in prayer over what is breaking her heart?  Shouldn't we look into her eyes and tell her with all sincerity that there is no judgement here, just care?  If we aren't doing that as the church, than who is?  If we can't be a light for those living in the light, how can we be a light to those in the dark?

So this morning, as we prepare to head into the last few days before Easter, let's challenge each other to show the love of Jesus.  Smile at a stranger.  Purchase someones meal.  Give an extra few dollars to the irritable waitress whose story you don't know.  Embrace the hurting.  Look people in the eyes.  Hug a friend.  Call someone you've "been meaning to call."  Be friends with those who believe differently than you.  Be friends with those who believe the same as you.  Love unconditionally.

1 Corinthians 13

1If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;a but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fervent Prayer

Can I just tell you something?  Fervent prayer works.

Want to know why?  Because it's Biblical.

James 5:16 - NLT
...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

I am not at liberty to discuss exactly what I have been praying about for quite some time.  Ok, actually, I guess I am at liberty considering it's about me, but maybe I just don't feel that it's necessary to share.  Either way, let's just say this...

A life-changing prayer has been answered.  I give God ALL the glory.  Do you know when God decided to allow the results to be seen?  When I stopped the half-hearted, "Please help me to blah, blah, blah..." and became impassioned about praying for this particular matter.

Our pastor has been preaching a lot about this topic recently and I so wish that I could encourage you as eloquently as he does.  I can't.  So let me just tell you this, if you are fervently praying for an answer, He will respond.  During the wait, just thank Him that He has already worked it out for His glory.  So don't give up even when you feel like all is lost.  It's not.  He's got this and He's got you.

Kurt Carr – Something Happens Lyrics

Something special
About your name
Something happens
When I mention your name

Demons have to flee when I say Jesus (Jesus)
Sickness has to heal when I say Jesus (Jesus)
Every knee shall bow before
And every tongue proclaim
With worthy praise
That matchless name of Jesus


When I call upon Your name
The very atmosphere will have to change
We'll be transformed
We'll never be the same
By the power of Your Holy name


Something happens when we call your name
Oh the power in your name

Jesus Jesus Jesus
Jesus Jesus Jesus
Something happens when I call You

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sharing My Heart To Share Him

A friend of mine recently told me that she appreciates how "real" I am.  This is not the first time she's told me this and I often laugh and say, "I'm probably a bit too real."  

Sometimes I find myself wondering why I share what I share with others.  I have never been one to air my dirty laundry in public, nor do I intend to do so.  Yet recently I've found myself compelled to share pieces of my life that I typically would not make public.  You know, like the time I dropped my baby, or that I've dealt with postpartum depression after that same miracle child, admitting that I still miss the sweet baby we never got to meet, and that I have been tired at times and willingly fed my children Lunchables for dinner.

Why do I do this?  Do I enjoy letting other people in just so they can see how crazy our lives are?  Do I like knowing that my mother-in-law has seen me openly admit that sometimes I don't readily show grace to her son?  Do I want my mom to know that the daughter she raised sometimes fusses at her grandchildren when I shouldn't? Do I really want people I barely know to read about my failures?

The short answer, no.

Do I know that I am opening myself up to people that may gossip about situations that they have no clue about? Do I know that some people may judge me and think that I am failing at life?  Do I worry sometimes after I hit "Publish" that maybe I shared too much?

Absolutely, yes.

So, why share?

Because of this:

You mend what once was shattered
And You turn my tears to laughter
Your forgiveness is my fortress
Oh Your mercy is relentless 
(See below for credits to this song)

You see, I am a work in progress. FOREVER.  I'm OK with that because although this life is messy, it is so beautiful.  God is constantly mending me.   Always comforting me.  Gently nudging me to be better.  Encouraging me to continue.  Turning ashes into beauty.  (Sidenote:  Read Isaiah 60 and 61...beautiful) Instilling confidence in me to let others know that it's OK to be real.  

This life is confusing for all of us at times.  We face trials that seem larger than life itself.  There are times we feel that everything is caving in around us.  We want to run and hide but we have no idea where to even run.  So we stuff our feelings inside.  We build barriers.  We post pictures on Facebook that have cropped out the mess in our living rooms.  We delete 25 pictures of our children grimacing and scowling at us and post the one of them smiling, while not mentioning that we had to bribe them with candy, ice cream and/or extra TV time just so that we can show the world our happy children. We go to church and stuff some more because who wants to reveal to anyone there that the joyful couple they see was arguing just 10 minutes before over something petty...because if there's going to be an argument it's going to be on a Sunday morning before church (Am I right?).

Can I be completely frank?

Why don't we just cut the crap?  (Sorry that was probably a bit too frank and I do know that I will probably later stress over the fact that I said "crap" on my blog).

Seriously, though, let's just stop.  Stop stuffing.  Stop pretending like everything is OK.  Stop acting like we have life by the tails and nothing ever gets us down.

I am not advocating walking around in a state of moping.  I'm not saying to post pictures of your piles of dirty laundry (literally and figuratively).  I'm not asking you to show the world your children throwing tantrums or to reveal to every person that comes your way that you just fought with your spouse.  But let's just be real.  Let's be truthful.  Let's tell people that it's OK that we fail and fail again.  Because in showing our failures and shortcomings, we can show Jesus.  

That right there is why I share.  It's Him...all Him.  

If I can share some of my experiences in this thing we call life and it draws someone to Jesus, then I will do it a million times over.  If a weary mommy can find rest in knowing that there are other moms out there who have/are struggling but are constantly pursuing Christ knowing it's only His grace that helps us on the tough days, then I will keep hitting "publish."  If someone is trying to figure out why they are having horrible sadness after just welcoming a beautiful baby into this world and can find an answer through something I write, then I will share my heart.  I could go on about my hopes for this blog, but I think you get the point by all the run-on sentences I've already wrote.  (Mr. Wonderful - I'm sorry if those sentences drive your journalistic mind crazy!) 

Right after we miscarried, an amazing godly couple - who wrapped their arms around us in our greatest moments of need - shared this verse with us:

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT

Isn't that verse amazing?  Since the moment I read that verse, I knew that it was a life verse for me.  A verse to live my life by and a verse to give me life in my darkest moments.  I hope in your moments of need it gives you life too.  I pray in your moments of strength it is your driving force.

Let's share so we can share Him.  Let's love to show His love.  Let's explain to others that even though sometimes life is so hard, sometimes it is so good...not because of us but because He is so good.  Where  sin abounds, grace abounds more (Romans 5:20).  

Ignore the naysayers.  Don't worry about what others may think. If you let Him be the reason you share, you can have complete peace.

I think these song lyrics sums it all up much better than I can:  

Shoulders - For King and Country

When confusion's my companion
And despair holds me for ransom
I will feel no fear
I know that You are near
When I'm caught deep in the valley
With chaos for my company
I'll find my comfort here
‘Cause I know that You are near

My help comes from You
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders 
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders 
Your shoulders

You mend what once was shattered
And You turn my tears to laughter
Your forgiveness is my fortress
Oh Your mercy is relentless 

My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true

Writer(s): Luke Smallbone / Joel Smallbone / Ben Glover / Tedd Tjornhom

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

For My Six-Year-Old Girl

Dear Addi,

Tomorrow morning before the sun comes up, I will sneak into your room, snuggle you close and whisper, "Happy Birthday, sweet girl."  When you wake up, I will tell you the story of when you were born, pausing at just the right moment so you can say, "What did you say to me the first time you saw me?" I will stroke your hair and say, "Hi sweet girl.  I am your mommy." You will smile that beautiful smile and hug me tighter and I will think to myself, "Six years later and I still can't believe she is mine."

It's true, sweet girl, I can't believe you are mine.

My favorite pictures of you are the ones where you spontaneously started dancing. Just yesterday, you told me that you don't care who sees you dance because you are happy.  You are happy.  Oh, how I hope that those words describe you for the rest of your life.

Your first six years of life (1/3 of your childhood) have been easy for you, all things considered.  Your dad and I have worked hard to shield you from the "real" world.  We wanted nothing more than for you to take in childhood and all its joys. You have done a great job doing just that.  You love life!

There is no doubt that the next six years will be tougher than the last. Each year brings more of an awareness of the reality of this world. It pains me to know that the innocence you now have will not be as prevalent even at this time next year. Yet, God has given you personality traits that will help you to keep your joy even when there's pain.

God has give you compassion.  This week, you came home in tears because you watched a movie at school about a Venus Flytrap and saw a fly die.  It was the "worst movie ever."   Earlier this year, you searched your toy box looking for the perfect toy to give a friend because she said she didn't have any.  You want to collect books for children who don't have any.  You can't understand why we don't give money to every person we encounter on the street corner.  You convinced me to buy flowers for a stranger because she had a cast on her leg and "something pretty will make her feel better."  You are kind.  I love your heart!

Your daddy always says that you were born confident. He's right.  You exude confidence.  You know you can do whatever you set your mind to do.  You have drive to be the best you can be and you know that it's in you to be unstoppable.  You have been so annoyed that you have not been chosen as a Terrific Kid this school year.  Each month, you will come home and in frustration say, "I'm still not a terrific kid!". I will remind you that you are, indeed, terrific.  Your response is always the same: " I know I am terrific.  I guess I just need to try harder to get the award." There is no doubt in my mind that one day you will get that award.

You are stubborn and strong-willed.  Those aren't bad traits, even if they do drive this mama crazy.  I know that you will not back down on your beliefs.  You will stand firm.  You will fight for what is right.  You already do.  If I punish your brother for something and you think it's an unfair punishment, you will let me know.   You always let me know when you think I am wrong...which is a lot...let's work on that, OK? ;)

You love God and you have faith.  You will pray for everyone and everything.  You will sing worship songs with passion.  You love to read your Bible.  You love to talk about Jesus and ask your daddy 135 questions about Him on any given day.  You enjoy church and fellowship.  It blows your mind to think that there are people in this world who don't love Jesus.

I could go on about your love for learning, your great nurturing ability, how you never meet a stranger, etc.  All traits you possess that will help you along your journey in the next 1/3 of your childhood and throughout life.  You will be amazing in already are.

So as I close this, sweet girl, I ask that you always remember two things:

God loves you.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. He will never leave you.

Daddy and Mommy love you.  You are our baby girl.  The child that made us parents. You bring an immeasurable amount of joy into our lives every single day.  And, until I breathe my last breath, I will always say, "I still can't believe she's mine."

Happy Sixth Birthday!

With all the love my heart can hold,

Thursday, March 3, 2016

To the mama scared of public school

Dear Mom who has decided to send her child to public school,

I know that this is one of the hardest decisions of your entire life.  I know that you want to hold your little munchkin a while longer and not have to worry about what educational route you are going to take.  Yet, here you are, getting ready to register your child for kindergarten in a public school.

You've heard the horror stories:  Your child will be exposed to Darwinism, lesbian/gay lifestyles, children who aren't cared for, words they shouldn't know, and a poor educational system.  They will just be a number on a test and a student in a room with a stressed out teacher who doesn't have the time to spend with all of the children in her class.  The stories scare you.  I know because they've scared me.

You've been subjected to the all too familiar look that comes from people who have chosen a different educational route and you feel ashamed.  You wonder if they think that you don't care enough about your child to choose to do without so that they can go to a private school.  Do they think you are lazy because you aren't homeschooling? Are you just not worried about how your child is raised...what about God, what about their self-esteem, what about their love for learning?  How could you choose to allow someone else to teach your child?  These questions keep you up at night as you agonize if you are really making the right decision.

You are constantly feeling like you have to explain yourself.  You start out every school conversation with, "Well, she will be in public school, but we really thought about going a different route..."  

Can I tell you something, sweet mama?  It's OK that you chose public school.  It's OK that you didn't take out a loan to go to a private school.  It's OK that you looked at the needs of your entire family unit and realized that homeschooling is not in your best interest for now...maybe never.  

And your baby?  Your sweet child will be fine.  The same God that dwells in your heart goes with him/her even into the public schools.  

We've been in this Kindergarten year for almost 7 months and here's what I've experienced:

1.   My sweet girl is greatly adored and looked after by a staff of educators who truly care about her well-being.  These teachers - who are definitely over-worked and under-paid - love to see ALL their students learning.  So, they work long hours each school day (and often on the weekends) so that they can make sure that their students have the best resources possible to learn in a variety of ways. My child has never once complained about feeling like the teacher or the Teacher Assistant is ignoring her.
2. Her school is locked and secure during the day.  Do I feel badly that she has a police officer present at her school?  Absolutely not.  They're present at our church.  They live in our neighborhood.  To her, it's just the norm.
3.  We have been exposed to not even a handful of situations that have required intervention.  Each situation was resolved quickly and effectively.  Sweet girl?  No worse for the ware. 
4.  There is prayer in public schools.  You may just not see it. There are teachers all over my daughter's school who love Jesus just as much as I do.  You don't think they pray during the day?  How can they not? My sweet girl knows she can call on Jesus whenever she needs to.  Her Christian foundation started at home and continues to thrive at home and through church.  She knows her Bible stories and it's OK that it's not carried over into all of her education lessons.  At least we are OK with that because God's given us peace.
5.  My daughter did learn a bad word...actually a bad symbol.  We addressed the situation with her and she knows now not to do it.  We handled the situation the same way we had to a few months earlier when both her and our four-year-old came home from church and told us a word that they had learned from a child there.
6.  My little girl has seen a child act out in class due to a disability.  She has talked with us about it and she has learned to be that child's friend.  Nothing has made me prouder than listening to her tell me about how she watches out for him.  I've seen her heart grow since starting school and it has made my heart want to burst with joy.
7.  Educationally, she has learned so much.  Way more than this mama caring for an infant and a four-year-old would have been able to teach her on a daily basis.  She has thrived in this area and I seriously could not ask for more.
8.  She has learned about different traditions (things like Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc) and it has not phased her.  She hasn't questioned our religious practices as a result. She is confident in who she is and Whose she is because we have and continue to instill that in her.
9.  She has and continues to have fun.  She has bad days and good days.  There are days she doesn't want to go and days that she is excited about getting there.  There are days she misses her family a lot and days she acts like she can't believe it's already time to be at home again.  She is just like every other child her age.
10.  She knows she is loved.  She probably knows a little too well (if that's even possible) that she is adored.  She is sent to school every morning with a prayer and a huge hug and is greeted after school with a smile and another huge hug.  She is content and because of that, I am, too.  I miss her like crazy every day.  I always want her home with me, but I know that this is a great opportunity for her and it's what works best for our family at this time.  
11.  Just because I'm not her teacher from 8:00 until 2:30 during the week, doesn't mean for a second that I have stopped looking for ways to help her learn and grow.  I'm her mom and that's what I do.  Her dad and I were and continue to be her first teachers.

And those questions? The ones that are currently keeping you up at night?  A lot of them will go away throughout the year.  And, most of those mamas you think are judging you, are not.  They have their fears, too.  Their questions may look different, but they stem from the same reason...we all just want what's best for our children.

So, as I prepare to sign up my oldest son for public school Kindergarten in less than two months, I do so with less trepidation of what's to come.  I still have my mama fears because what mama doesn't?  Yet, I know that we will be OK because, ultimately, God's got this.  

Philippians 4:6-7  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”