Tuesday, February 23, 2016

From Addi and Mommy

Addi got out of bed tonight because she just couldn't sleep.  So we looked at dresses online,  talked about life, and decided to blog. ;)

Me:  What do you want to say, Addi?
Addi:  What does a snowman eat?
Me:  I don't know, what?
Addi:  Snowmen eat snowball soup.
Me:  Interesting.

Me:  What else would you like to say?
Addi:  What does a fox say?
Me: (Laughs)
Addi:  Moo....moo
Me:  That's not what a fox says..
Addi:  Yes, it does.  Just write it.  People will think it's hilarious.

Me:  What is your favorite thing about Daddy?
Addi:  Um...write that I laughed.  That he's the human trash can.

Me:  Who is the president?
Addi:  Um, Barack Obama.
Me:  Good.  Who does Daddy want to be the next president?
Addi:  How about Marco Rubio?
Me:  I think he will like that answer.
Addi:  I know he will.

Me:  What is your favorite thing to do in school?
Addi:  That's a hard one.  That's a really hard one.  Um, eat lunch.
Me:  But what do you like to learn about?
Addi: That is a very hard one.  Long A and Short A

Me:  Do you like being a big sister?
Addi: Yes.
Me:  What's the best part about being a big sister.
Addi:  Brogan and Gideon.
(My mama heart melted!)

Me:  How many more days until you are six?
Addi:  Too many days. (Two weeks from tomorrow actually)

Me:  What do you want to do when you are six that you didn't do when you were five?
Addi:  Well, one thing I didn't do when I was five...hmm, that's a hard one.  I'm thinking.  Ride a NEW bike on the road with a helmet on.

Me:  What kind of person do you want to be when you're six?
Addi:  I want to be like I am right now.
Me:  That's perfect.
Addi:  I know, isn't it?
(LOVE her answer!!)

Me:  Anything else you want to say?
Addi:  I don't really know.
Me:  Ok, is that it?
Addi: Yes.

Addi:  Oh, do you think Daddy is going to like this e-mail?
