Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lesson from a Kindergarten Field Trip

The precious kindergarten girl was holding her bee stung finger as big tears rolled down her cheeks.  The adults looked anxiously at each other trying to figure out what was the next step to get her to stop crying.  Tears aren't supposed to happen on field trips and definitely not on your first ever field trip.  Still, there she sat on a hayride...crying.

Suddenly, a little voice beside me said, "I just prayed for you."  When her comment went unnoticed she boldly said once again, "I just prayed for you."  My sweet girl...she knows what works and she has such confidence.  She knows..."ask and you shall receive."

Something beautiful transpired after Addi made that statement.  Right there, on a public school field trip...

Girl A - "I will pray for you tonight."
Girl A's mom - "You know you don't have to wait to pray for her, right?"
Girl A places her hand on the crying child's leg and closes her eyes
Boy A chimes in - "Jesus, please help her to feel better.  Amen."
Three other kids say "Amen."
Crying Girl stops crying and smiles.
Boy A - I knew that prayer would work!

Then, just as quickly as the moment started it ended and a silly conversation over what the name of the hayride driver was began. The poor driver had to hear, "Drive faster, Mr. Joe!" about 152 times before the ride was over.  And, no, that was not his real name.

The story is sweet.  A fun memory to hang on to.  Proof that prayer will never truly be out of school.

I gleaned more from that moment, though.

Lately, I have overcomplicated faith.  Sometimes, I look at the mistakes made during the day and feel unworthy to even pray.  I wonder if my prayers will even be heard.  I pray half-heartedly as I expect to have to repeat the same prayer day after day before an answer comes.

Those children on the hayride...they just prayed.  They knew it would make things better.  The rest of the trip...the little girl held onto that finger.  It still bothered her.  However, her tears went away just in knowing that God knew all about it.  Isn't that what prayer is truly about?  I can go confidently into His throne room knowing that I will be heard.  My answer may not come immediately, but His peace can.

So, tonight, I choose to rest in this and ask that you do the same...

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. - Isaiah 26:3

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