"I love you Mommy" scribbled in big letters because everything that six-year-old girl does is big and bold. A smaller expression of love written with less letters from the younger brother who is still learning how to spell "love"...and "you"...but he knows a heart and a "U" states his affirmation quite perfectly.
I always love this scavenger hunt. It's a daily thing. I tuck notes in their lunch boxes and they tuck notes in hidden places for me to discover throughout the day. The result for us all is the same: we are loved and we KNOW it.
It's easy to KNOW when the words are written for us to see, but what about the other times? The times where sassiness prevails, listening is forgotten, harsh words spoken? Do we still know? When we are rushing here and there, when reading - so MUCH reading - needs to be finished, when dinner is burnt and bathtime is rushed? Do we still know?
Absolutely. We have tucked away love notes for years. Written or just spoken. Shown in flashy ways and unglamorous ways. Daily moments that state the same thing...you are loved. In this house, where mistakes abound, forgiveness is frequent, tears are shed, and laughter is daily...we still manage to do one thing really well (by the grace of God)...we love. Love drives us when we drive each other crazy. Love takes the wheel when we just want to take a nap. Love shouts out "It will all be OK" when we only want to shout at each other.
We are loved.
While I know it through smiles on precious baby faces, hugs from little arms, and the way my husband checks in every day after work...I also know it through the times where we've all had to show true grit. Times where we've had to dig in our heels and fight.
I also know I am loved by God. The Author of the best love letter ever written. He put His words into action in the ultimate way, and, now in amazing ways daily. The moments He has been there loudly and the ones where I can barely here Him whisper. He daily hides his "notes" for me to find. That chirping bird...that peanut-butter smeared handprint on the oven door...that encouraging song heard at just the right moment...that feeling of warmth from the sun...the tears of joy shed from overwhelming moments of gratitude...ALL love notes from my Father.
Those moments where the laundry mountain is taller than not only the 18-month-old, but also the five-year-old...the baby will not stop crying, the older two will not stop fighting, my husband and I are not "on the same page"...the unexpected expenses are piling up almost as fast as the dirty clothes...and the situation that I've so desperately wanted to change for the better has not changed a bit. Even in those moments, His love shines through...if I will just stop and listen.
Sometimes, I want to ignore that still, small voice that tells me He loves me when He says, "Wait." The One that convicts me when I'm wrong. The One who refuses to write all letters in fanciful calligraphy, but sometimes writes them in a font I don't even like. So, I ignore the notes. Nope, not going to accept that one, God. Write a different one and make it pretty with bright colors and glitter and all the things I like...not this ugly stuff. Yet, He, knowing the "ugly" will produce something far more lovely than I can imagine, ignores my requests.
Can I really refuse to accept this letter? Can I really tell Him to draw another and think it's OK? Some of the notes written to me by little hands are handcrafted with the best handwriting, some written sloppily. I will never refuse one because they are all designed with love.
And, God? His handprint of love is in all situations. So, this "letter" that I have been trying to return, the one I've been asking God to rewrite, the one that I've wanted to ignore because I think it's ugly...I cannot refuse it. I will not refuse it. With open hands, I open my heart. Write is as You wish, Lord...because it's all written with your perfect love.
"For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be thrown away or refused..." 1 Timothy 4:4
I always love this scavenger hunt. It's a daily thing. I tuck notes in their lunch boxes and they tuck notes in hidden places for me to discover throughout the day. The result for us all is the same: we are loved and we KNOW it.
It's easy to KNOW when the words are written for us to see, but what about the other times? The times where sassiness prevails, listening is forgotten, harsh words spoken? Do we still know? When we are rushing here and there, when reading - so MUCH reading - needs to be finished, when dinner is burnt and bathtime is rushed? Do we still know?
Absolutely. We have tucked away love notes for years. Written or just spoken. Shown in flashy ways and unglamorous ways. Daily moments that state the same thing...you are loved. In this house, where mistakes abound, forgiveness is frequent, tears are shed, and laughter is daily...we still manage to do one thing really well (by the grace of God)...we love. Love drives us when we drive each other crazy. Love takes the wheel when we just want to take a nap. Love shouts out "It will all be OK" when we only want to shout at each other.
We are loved.
While I know it through smiles on precious baby faces, hugs from little arms, and the way my husband checks in every day after work...I also know it through the times where we've all had to show true grit. Times where we've had to dig in our heels and fight.
I also know I am loved by God. The Author of the best love letter ever written. He put His words into action in the ultimate way, and, now in amazing ways daily. The moments He has been there loudly and the ones where I can barely here Him whisper. He daily hides his "notes" for me to find. That chirping bird...that peanut-butter smeared handprint on the oven door...that encouraging song heard at just the right moment...that feeling of warmth from the sun...the tears of joy shed from overwhelming moments of gratitude...ALL love notes from my Father.
Those moments where the laundry mountain is taller than not only the 18-month-old, but also the five-year-old...the baby will not stop crying, the older two will not stop fighting, my husband and I are not "on the same page"...the unexpected expenses are piling up almost as fast as the dirty clothes...and the situation that I've so desperately wanted to change for the better has not changed a bit. Even in those moments, His love shines through...if I will just stop and listen.
Sometimes, I want to ignore that still, small voice that tells me He loves me when He says, "Wait." The One that convicts me when I'm wrong. The One who refuses to write all letters in fanciful calligraphy, but sometimes writes them in a font I don't even like. So, I ignore the notes. Nope, not going to accept that one, God. Write a different one and make it pretty with bright colors and glitter and all the things I like...not this ugly stuff. Yet, He, knowing the "ugly" will produce something far more lovely than I can imagine, ignores my requests.
Can I really refuse to accept this letter? Can I really tell Him to draw another and think it's OK? Some of the notes written to me by little hands are handcrafted with the best handwriting, some written sloppily. I will never refuse one because they are all designed with love.
And, God? His handprint of love is in all situations. So, this "letter" that I have been trying to return, the one I've been asking God to rewrite, the one that I've wanted to ignore because I think it's ugly...I cannot refuse it. I will not refuse it. With open hands, I open my heart. Write is as You wish, Lord...because it's all written with your perfect love.
"For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be thrown away or refused..." 1 Timothy 4:4
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