Sunday, April 22, 2018

Fully Giving

Sometimes you need to just let go. Let go of the past and the things that hinder you from moving forward. Let go of the future and the things that worry you to the point of mental paralysis. Let go of the background noise in the present that distracts you from your priorities.  

Sometimes you need to have a "come to Jesus" moment and realize that the only "things" that matter are the truly important things. For me, that's my relationship with Christ. My marriage. My family. Wholesome and fulfilling relationships. Ministry.

Friends, we cannot fully live if we don't fully give. Fully give our desires to His control. Fully give ourselves to our marriage so that He can make us fully one in Him. Fully give our attention to our children. Fully give quality time to the relationships that God wants in our lives. Fully give ourselves over to God so that He can make us into all that He wants us to be for His purpose.

Fully giving is fully scary for those who feel vulnerable and exposed when they let down their guard. I'm not suggesting you lose yourself and give up your dreams or goals. You shouldn't become a doormat for people to wipe their emotional needs all over you.  

Fully give so that you can fully live...a full life of joy and contentment in Him. A full life of hardships and trials...and of mercy and grace. 

We get one chance to leave our mark in this leave His mark in other lives. Let's make it a great one. Where others see Him in us. Where those we love really know that we love them. Where the people we minister to see our hearts align with His.

Fully surrender so that you can live a live with arms wide open to whatever He has in store for you. 

Fully giving is fully living in Him.

I'm tired of being mediocre. Today, I choose more. Today, I choose to fully embrace Him.  Today, I choose to fully give all areas of my life to Him. Today, I choose to fully live.

"Scripture reassures us, "No one who trusts God like this - heart and soul - will ever regret it." - Romans 10:11

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