Moments like this make my heart smile...
My little warrior dressed up as a football player. Here's the thing...His big brother (aka his hero) created this get-up yesterday. Only, he was wearing it...
The pacifier is his mouth guard. ;)
Somewhere along the way, the little brother observed. Several hours later - while the oldest was at school - our little guy decided to imitate him. And, goodness, he did a good job.
He is always watching him...always...
Longing to be just like him. Forever wanting to do what he does...
I am humbled and honored that I get to be a daily spectator of this brotherly bond.
And, just as our youngest looks up to our oldest boy, all three of my babies are watching me. Observing. Viewing. Retaining. Imitating.
It's a weighty position to be in, but an incredible position as well.
This morning as I watched my little football player, I texted his picture to a friend..."My reminder that they're always watching..."
Always watching,
So I strive to be better. To be the best me. To reach within myself and to do the things that my flesh wars against daily...Exercise, eat healthy, stay calm, speak softly, love deeply, smile when I don't feel like it, honor my commitments, admit my mistakes, apologize, play hard, clean my house, and yes, even do the laundry.
If my children are going to imitate me, I want them to imitate the best me. Not the me with the short-fuse. I don't always get it right. I fail daily. But in their mama, I pray that they will see perseverance, determination, and grit. More importantly, I pray that they will see Christ in me. That they will learn through my actions that when mistakes happen, we pray to God. When life is difficult, we cling to Him. When we need direction, we seek His face.
My sweet littles...They love large already...
I need not worry about them...For He who has begun a good work will be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6) for them...and for me.